March 2023: ACORN conference, Bangkok

Ian and I (Matt) are just on our way back from this year's ACORN (A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) conference in Bangkok, hosted by professor Paul Turner.  We were privileged to be invited and all the more to be asked to present SEDRI-LIMS to the ACORN community!  This was a wonderful opportunity and we've already had strong interest from the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC) in Nigeria in the form of Professor Aaron Oladipo Aboderin, whom we met in person.  We will be following up on this as soon as we get back to the UK.
ACORN Conference 2023.webp
It was fascinating to hear detailed AMR reports from all of the participating sites and to witness for ourselves the extent of resistance in these territories and hence the dire need for surveillance that ACORN is helping to address.
We also learnt all about AMASS (AutoMated tool for Antimicrobial resistance Surveillance System), the AMR reporting tool and got to spend time with Direk Limmathurotsakul, its creator and project lead.  Seems there are some interesting possibilities for collaboration there.
Article first published: 17/03/23
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