August 2024: Argentine Approval

After a multi-year pilot of SEDRI-LIMS at the CEMAR (Centro de Especialidades Médicas Ambulatorias) hospital and related facilities in Rosario, the largest city in the Santa Fe province of Argentina, we are delighted to announce that ministerial approval has been granted for full implementation at two initial hospitals in the vicinity, as a prelude to live deployment at CEMAR itself and other related facilities.
The first of these two is the "Hospital de San Lorenzo – Granaderos a Caballo", which has a microbiology laboratory at which approximately 15-20 specimens are processed daily. The second of the two is the "Hospital de Niños Zona Norte Dr Roberto Carra", which has a medium complexity lab that includes a BioMerieux Vitek 2 that we are eager to connect with (Vitek support was finally confirmed with real hardware at BioMerieux labs in Lyon earlier this year).  As a first step, a cloud instance of the system has been deployed for the first of these hospitals with cloned configuration from the CEMAR trial.  This configuration includes an encoding of the Argentinian national microbiology form, an extensive set of custom direct and culture tests and regional customisations of the Spanish language pack.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of Fernando Airasca in particular for his tireless efforts in customising and trialling the system in Rosario as well as providing fantastic feedback, much of which has driven invaluable improvements to the system.  Thanks also to Tom Rubini from our own team whose grasp of Spanish helped us to bridge the language gap!
We are really excited to move ahead with the initial implementations at Hospital de San Lorenza and Hospital de Niños Zona Norte and then onto CEMAR and the other hospitals served by CEMAR.  Vamos!!


Article first published:  14/08/24

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