The knowledge base is a hierarchical library of product information hosted by the website. It can be directly accessed from the home page by scrolling down until you see the section title "Knowledge base", then clicking on one of the top level category buttons below it. You can choose to work your way down the hierarchy, clicking each item of interest until you find the details you need, or you can perform a text search.
As a third option, some shortcuts to commonly accessed content are provided via large icon buttons near the top of the home page. These are currently labelled "Overview" and "FAQ".
The knowledge base contains a wealth of information, including product history, motivation, current functionality and future road-map, information about the team, news articles, the full operating manual, information about the pilot program, how to engage with the community, how to navigate the knowledge base itself and how to request further support. The article you are now reading is part of the knowledge base! In fact, everything on the website except for archived community discussions is part of the knowledge base.
The knowledge base should be your first port of call if you need information or are experiencing an issue.