If you are looking to evaluate the system as a prelude to potential live deployment, should it meet your requirements, please let us know, either in your initial access request or as soon as you are ready to start your evaluation. We have a process for assisting potential adopters with their evaluation to ensure the path to live deployment is as efficient as possible. The steps are summarised as follows:
Initial engagement: After providing you with an evaluation instance of the system (loaded with default configuration and sample data), or potentially before if you require a local installation, we will arrange a videoconference with you to present and discuss the system and to understand your environment, outline needs and plans. We would also at this stage gather the names of all staff likely to be involved in the evaluation so that we can add them as registered users of our website. This will allow them to browse detailed documentation and to raise tickets for any issues they may encounter. We also find that WhatsApp groups are popular as a more informal way of getting ad-hoc assistance, making suggestions and arranging additional meetings.
Training: The kick-off meeting will be quickly followed by an initial "hands-on" training session where a nominated user will operate the system under our guidance. Any issues will be noted down for further consideration. Additional training sessions will be scheduled until at least one user has sufficient knowledge to continue the evaluation unassisted and to train any additional colleagues involved in the evaluation.
Requirements gathering: In parallel with the training sessions, we will endeavour to gather more detailed information regarding your requirements and intended usage, including any external systems you would like the system to interoperate with, such as laboratory analysers (blood culture systems, ID/ASTs, MALDIs, PCRs, etc.), Hospital Information Systems or surveillance networks (e.g. WHONET/GLASS, DHIS2, etc.). We have a detailed form we will send you to get the process started, which will likely be followed by a dedicated meeting to clarify your answers.
Customisation: Once your requirements are fully understood, we can help you to customise the system for your specific environment, either by guiding you through the steps or by taking the task off your hands completely. Some users prefer to get to grips with the operational aspects of the system before delving into detailed configuration and administration, which is why we're happy to take care of this for you if that is your preference.
- Monitoring: As the evaluation continues, we will arrange regular meetings to gauge progress and collect feedback. While you are encouraged to provide ad-hoc status updates and issue notifications, having a regular meeting provides a useful forum for broader discussion and formal tracking. As issues arise or functional requests are received, we will be on-hand to trouble-shoot problems and evaluate any new requirements, prioritizing any that are potential blockers to live deployment. This process will continue until you are either familiar with the system and happy that it meets you needs or decide that you do not wish to deploy.
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